
February 20, 2011


teet and dental care - toothache
    Suffering from a toothache is not a pleasant experience. The pain can make even an adult cry. Cavities are usually the initial cause of our suffering from toothache become serious medical problems also for many people. Dental health often receive less serious attention when  stricken with a toothache and then realize how important dental health significance. Teeth are  important tools for people to help digestion of food.

     In general, dental disease that many of them complain about our society is dental caries (plaque), connective tissue damage to the roots of the teeth (periodontium), tooth fragility (flurosis) and cavities. The most common problems is dental caries and cavities.

      Incidence of caries is caused by several factors, the streptocacus mutans  microorganisms or germs can not be seen with the naked eye which release toxins, salivary fluid and saliva, stuck debris food in the teeth and gums, especially foods containing  carbohydrate and sticky foods such as chocolate and biscuits. irregular surface and form  of teeth can stuck debris food so bacteria produce acid and effect tooth  decay that can cause dental caries.
Incidence of dental caries is characterized by a rough surface and there are white  or  brown spots on the surface of  tooth. In severe conditions, the teeth become hollow spontaneously, but  through a long process. Dental caries disease experienced by many of  today's society.

      Furthermore flourosis disorders caused by excessive use of flouride and this usually happens unconsciously. Plurosis interference usually  marked by a small white line  on enamel that constantly attack the entire layer of tooth enamel. If the severe condition,  layer tooth enamel changes color become white as chalk and gradually until the tooth brittle and break. How to prevent pluorosis, not use too often  or much  fluoride to cope dental caries. Recommended to consume more vegetables and fruits that contain lots of calcium, such as soybeans, green vegetables, and sesame oil and consume high calcium milk.

      There were also disturbances in the surrounding tissue periodontium attack happened at a meeting of  dental plague with gum. This disorder is caused by toxins and enzymes produced by bacteria that exist in dental plaque. Germs are then seeping into the outer layer of  dental plaque and eventually get into the gum tissue causing irritation, inflammation and  tissue damage. As a result the network was attacked by other bacteria that cause infection in the dental equipment  and injure ligament periodontium. Teeth become unstable and eventually tooth loss earlier.

      For not getting worse, so if you have cavities you should immediately visit your dentist to treat it.  Although many people do not like going to the dentist with a reason not care about the state of  teeth, afraid or ashamed of being ridiculed because of damaged teeth, but go to the dentist is the best solution to deal.  Cavities can not heal by itself. Although, possibly after suffering a toothache, may the pain  disappear but do not improve the situation of teeth. Cavities will remain, the hole will keep growing even bigger.

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