
February 23, 2011

Dental Floss And Broccoli Can Prolong Your Life

     Want to increase your life span, healthy and not sickly, it is very desirable thing to everyone. Many ways such as stop smoking or learn to relax. But what about dental floss and broccoli can increase life span, here's a guide to easy steps you can take.

Floss your teeth regularly

teeth and dentalcare
     Researchers in America have discovered that people with gum diseases such as gingivitis are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary heart disease as those without gum conditions. Scientists now believe that this is because gum disease causes potentially harmful bacteria to be released into the bloodstream. Although they are unsure exactly how or why this happens, it is thought that the bacteria can trigger or speed up the thickening of the arteries, or could even cause blood clots in very severe cases.

     To help protect your heart, dentists and doctors recommend flossing your teeth every day. You should also visit your dentist every six months for a check up to treat any gum conditions. Ask your dentist to show you how to floss your teeth effectively if you are unsure how to do it. Longevity expert Dr Roger Henderson says, 'Flossing every day means not only could you still have a full set of teeth as a centenarian, but your dental hygiene may have helped you to get to such an age.

Eat a 'superfood' such as broccoli

teeth and dentalcare     Eating a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, is essential for maintaining a healthy body well into your old age. But there are some foods that have more longevity properties than others. One of these foods is broccoli, part of the crucifer family of vegetables; green leafy vegetables including Brussels sprouts and cabbage.
     Nutritionists believe crucifer vegetables are some of the biggest weapons in the dietary fight against cancer. This is because they are rich in a particular nutrient called isothiocyanate. This nutrient stimulates our bodies to break down potentially cancer causing chemicals and eliminate them.

     Broccoli is also very rich in vitamin C; weight for weight, it contains more vitamin C than an orange. In addition it contains antioxidant vitamin E, which helps the body heal itself more effectively, and is a good source of calcium and vitamin B2, which is used to help the body release energy from food and maintain healthy skin, hair and eyes.

     Other 'supernutrients' in broccoli are folic acid, which can help prevent spina bifida in babies if consumed by pregnant women, and iron which can help prevent conditions such as anaemia. Broccoli is also rich in a plant nutrient called sulphoraphane. In laboratory tests, this nutrient produced enzymes which could 'snatch' the cancer-causing agents out of cells before they multiplied and caused cancer, particularly in the breasts and ovaries.

     The best way to cook broccoli is to steam it. Boiling broccoli for too long can cause all the vitamins and nutrients to be lost.

Article source : Daily Mail

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