
February 25, 2011

Teeth Veneers, What Types and Benefits

Teeth Veneers, What Types and Benefits
     One of dental care uses teeth veneers. Veneers are a thin layer of dental restorative materials which are used to cover up broken or chipped teeth and also used in patients with yellow or discolored teeth. In general, two types of materials used are porcelain teeth and composite. However, only an experienced dentist will be able to assess the condition of your teeth and recommend the type you should choose to improve your charming smile. 

Types of veneers
  • Porcelain: This is the more common of the two types. To create the porcelain veneers, cosmetic dentist will need to take your dental impression. This is because the veneer or you will be equipped with guards shall conform to the shape and size of the damaged tooth. After taking an impression fracture of your teeth, the dentist sends the impression to the laboratory where it will be created. Porcelain veneers will be bonded or attached to existing teeth so that conceal a cracked and broken.
  • Composite: This is a cheaper alternative to the porcelain. Composite guard is not made in the laboratory by taking an impression of your teeth. guards are made locally by a cosmetic dentist. However, scrapping layer composite dental veneers done in the case as well. This gives a better grip to keep.
  • Non Permanent: This cover is made from resin that is flexible and can remove as needed. You can even buy kits that are available in the market for the craft itself.
  • Palatal: These guards are generally made of fake gold. The guards were created to cover the tooth wear on the side of the ceiling above the set of teeth.
     Teeth veneers created to match your natural tooth in terms of shape, size, and color. Porcelain veneers are made from a mold taken of your tooth. Then, your doctor helps you select a color that matches and complements your natural teeth. Your veneer is created to these exact specifications. That way, your veneer will not stand out from your surrounding teeth in any way.
           Veneers can improve both the appearance and the strength of your teeth. For a tooth with minimal to moderate damage, such as worn enamel, dental veneers are a less invasive alternative to crowns or implants. Your weakened tooth will be reinforced, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods pain-free.
     Certain cosmetic dentistry techniques can require significant reshaping of your tooth or even extraction. In comparison, applying dental veneers takes little prep work. A small amount of enamel must be removed from the front of your teeth, but not every patient will require reshaping.
     Veneers are easy to care for. To maintain them, all you need to do is practice good oral hygiene. You’ll follow your regular daily routine of brushing and flossing, and be sure to schedule regular check-ups and cleanings.

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