
February 21, 2011

Points To Consider In Early Childhood Dental Care

     Toddler dental health is determined by the dental care since the age of the baby. Children who do not brush their teeth at night a greater risk of thinning and left untreated lead to a black color on the tooth surface. Over time the tooth decay occurs, then the tooth root infection, gum infection and swollen gums. Next the teeth will be destroyed, damaged prematurely.

     If milk teeth are not well maintained, it could happen to abnormalities in the composition of the permanent teeth. On average, from age six months, the baby teeth have started to appear. However, it could be when the new born, the gums appear white line marks almost the appearance of the first tooth. In fact, there are after the first anniversary passed, the gums is still not showing signs of tooth emergence.In children, milk teeth have special functions that are not owned by permanent teeth, as a guide or signpost for the future growth of permanent teeth grow in the appropriate place.

     Additionally, milk teeth also maintain the growth of dental arches so that a regular arrangement. Substitution of milk teeth to permanent teeth, first reported at about the age of six years and ended at the age of approximately 12 years. One sign of permanent teeth will grow milk teeth are generally preceded rocking. This is because the roots of teeth become shorter due to urge the release of permanent teeth. Substitution has a certain pattern, usually starting middle incisors, front, until the bottom. Incomplete removal milk teeth or too hard could  left the roots teeth or cause gum calluses. If this happens, permanent teeth will penetrate weaker gums which is located on the back or front. This can cause uneven teeth interfere with the function and tooth aesthetics.

Familiarize  Consult

     Parents Awareness  to bring their children to consult  still low. This can be seen from the many cases of child to the dentist if a problem has occurred, for example when a child's cheek was swollen because of his teeth broken. This step is not very smart. Instead, invite your child to the dentist at least six months, although there is no problem. The reason, there may be food or milk is left,  the rest of these foods can damage teeth. Thus, preventive measures are always better. In addition, the dentist can be a source of reliable information in explaining the importance of proper dental care. In fact, oral and dental health can interfere with other developments.

Introducing  Dental Care To children

Attentions To Early Childhood Dental Care
     Before the baby teeth appear, gum treatment should have started. Instead, this is done routinely. Some of the following can be considered parents when caring for the gum and teeth small.  If the new tooth grows two or four pieces, clean with a cloth. If the tooth has grown more than eight, clean with a baby toothbrush that has a small tip and downy or furry rubber.Explanation of the parents about oral hygiene is absolutely needed by the child. Give an example to the children about the habits and the correct way of brushing teeth.

     One thing that we can do are carried out is to invite your child to talk during brushing activities take place. He will enjoy this ritual event in an atmosphere of fun. Gradually she will feel how important it is to brush your teeth every day. Not  too often give children sweet food  and easy to stick in your teeth or gums, such as candy, chocolate, biscuits. Such foods can react in the mouth and eventually form acids that can damage teeth and can cause cavities, tooth loss before their time, and disruption on the size, shape, and number of teeth.

Proper use of toothpaste for children should also be considered properly by the parents. Not use too much toothpaste as possible swallowed by children, especially those with a wide selection of flavors.  Calcium-rich foods (fish & milk), fluorine (tea, beef and green vegetables), phosphorus, and vitamin A (carrots), C (fruits), D (milk), and E (sprouts). Minerals and vitamins are necessary for the growth of children's teeth.

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