
February 26, 2011

Salt for Dental Health, is it really?

Salt for Dental Health, is it really?
     Salt that we eat everyday there are many benefits for us. dental health associated with consumption of salt, but of course with a good portion is adjusted properly, too much is not good for your heart.

    The main raw material salt is sodium chloride content and more in health is very important for our bodies, such as iodine phosphorus intelligence helps children bone and tooth formation. Fluorine which contribute to forming a layer of tooth enamel that protects from all kinds of teeth disturbance.

In addition salts can also used as:

Mouthwash. Salt can also used as a mouthwash. Warm water that has been spiked with a little salts is an effective dessert. Enter a little salts into the hot water, stir and use as a mouthwash.

Teeth whitener. salts also can be used for cleaning and whitening teeth. Sprinkle dry salts to the end of the feathers brush your teeth when brushing your teeth, can make the dull into bright white teeth.

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