
February 21, 2011

Plaque, Tartar (Dental Calculus), Prevention And Treatment

Plaque, Tartar (Dental Calculus), Prevention And Treatment
     Tartar (Dental calculus) is dirt in mouth attached on teeth in long term so that over time will harden and petrified so hard to clean with toohtbrush. It is natural thing that happens to everyone. While the quantity depends on the individual lifestyle to maintain healthy teeth.

     After brushing our teeth, the tooth surface will form a clear thin layer of is called pellicle. It has not been overgrown germs. If germs already overgrown is called plaque. Plaque that is left, over time will hardens to become tartar. It cause rough tooth surfaces and become place to stick plaque back so make further buildup, thick and germs nest. Tartar look like yellowish or blackish, blackish color is usually due to mixed with cigarettes, tea, and other substances that can leave the color on the teeth.

     If not cleaned, germs can effect tooth infection in buffer zone. When you have an infection then the further problem can arise. Patients usually complain of itchy gums, mouth smell, bleed when brushing teeth, sometimes even teeth can be separated itself from buffer tooth network.

     In addition to causing tooth loss, tooth germ that infect buffer tissue can also spread throughout to body. Through blood flow, germs can spread to other organs like the heart. Therefore, there are several cases of actual disease is triggered by an teeth infection, is called focal infection. Heart muscle diseases(myocarditis), include that caused by focal infection.

     Therefore, the problem of tartar can not be overlooked. If plaque has buildup become tartar no matter how hard brushing with a regular toothbrush will not remove it. To remove tartar should not be done alone or using obvious chemical drugs. Using the wrong way will just only worsen the situation .

     In order to be safe you should go to dentist for healthy and strong teeth. Tartar cleaning should be performed every 6 months. Tartar cleaning itself is done by using a new method (scalers). Unlike previous conventional methods which can effect more teeth traumatic and takes a long time. Scalers faster clean and will not cause injury because of the ultrasonic help thrilling tartar and the helps reef cleaning process. After the cleaning process, the gum will open a little while, so risky as the entrance of germs. But do not worry, after that the doctor will give mouthwash to prevent infection from germs.

     Once cleaned with scalers, tartar will be lost and teeth become clean again. However, tartar can arise again if dental hygiene not maintained properly. Therefore, necessary preventive measures so tartar not grow anymore.

     First step is to break the chains so that plaque does not have time to harden into tartar, with a routine teeth cleaning and regular brushing teeth. Mouthwash containing clorhexidine also be used to prevent plaque, these drugs can be used after brushing teeth. Clean food debris from between your teeth using dental floss or interdental brush. Diligent eat fruits and or vegetables because of the fiber can help remove residual food in our teeth and gums. Drink plenty of water and gargles. Reduce consumption of foods which containing sugar and flour. Use both sides of teeth to chew. If there is a hollow tooth and unpleasant to chew, immediately treated until healed and patched, so can re-chewing with both sides. Then when the formation of tartar has been slowed by regular cleaning, still do control at least 6 months to the dentist, for routine cleaning.


  1. Regular care will help you control dental plaque. This is done by cleaning free floating oral bacteria before they build huger colonies in form of plaques. Dental plaque is responsible for absorbing sugars and producing acids.
    Dentist Perth

  2. Dental Calculus hppens happens due to alcphol, smoking and some type of food. We should tace care of it and consult a dentist to avoid it. Thanks for share, Keep it sharing.
    Dentists Perth CBD

  3. Very well explained article about teeth whitening, Thanks for this one and keep it sharing.
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