
April 16, 2011

Philips Sonicare ProResults Brush Heads Superior Oral Health

Philips Sonicare ProResults Brush Heads Superior Oral Health
Are you comfort when the old bristles toothbrush start to spread out? Just to be sure, the replacements come with handy little month from brush heads that you have used with your electric toothbrush. Philips Sonicare proresults brush heads is one of your choice for replacement brush head.

February 26, 2011

Salt for Dental Health, is it really?

Salt for Dental Health, is it really?
     Salt that we eat everyday there are many benefits for us. dental health associated with consumption of salt, but of course with a good portion is adjusted properly, too much is not good for your heart.

    The main raw material salt is sodium chloride content and more in health is very important for our bodies, such as iodine phosphorus intelligence helps children bone and tooth formation. Fluorine which contribute to forming a layer of tooth enamel that protects from all kinds of teeth disturbance.

February 25, 2011

Teeth Veneers, What Types and Benefits

Teeth Veneers, What Types and Benefits
     One of dental care uses teeth veneers. Veneers are a thin layer of dental restorative materials which are used to cover up broken or chipped teeth and also used in patients with yellow or discolored teeth. In general, two types of materials used are porcelain teeth and composite. However, only an experienced dentist will be able to assess the condition of your teeth and recommend the type you should choose to improve your charming smile. 

February 24, 2011

Don't Know dental Implant? Lets See

Don't Know dental Implant? Lets See
     Dental implant is a metal device designed to replace missing teeth. The device is usually made out of titanium and is surgically placed into the jawbone where the tooth is missing. Unlike a dental bridge, an implant is permanent. It is designed to act as the tooth root and can anchor an artificial tooth or teeth such as a crown, bridge or denture.

     Virtually all dental implants placed today are root-form endosseous implants, they appear similar to an actual tooth root and are placed within the bone . The bone of the jaw accepts and osseointegrates with the titanium post. The osseointegration is the component of this implant procedure that makes it resemble the look and feel of a natural tooth.

February 23, 2011

Dental Floss And Broccoli Can Prolong Your Life

     Want to increase your life span, healthy and not sickly, it is very desirable thing to everyone. Many ways such as stop smoking or learn to relax. But what about dental floss and broccoli can increase life span, here's a guide to easy steps you can take.

Floss your teeth regularly

teeth and dentalcare
     Researchers in America have discovered that people with gum diseases such as gingivitis are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary heart disease as those without gum conditions. Scientists now believe that this is because gum disease causes potentially harmful bacteria to be released into the bloodstream. Although they are unsure exactly how or why this happens, it is thought that the bacteria can trigger or speed up the thickening of the arteries, or could even cause blood clots in very severe cases.