
February 22, 2011

Knowing Dental Disease Means Maintain Your Body Health

Knowing Dental Disease Means Maintain Your Body Health
     Want to keep  clean and healthy teeth? It's everyone's choice. By knowing kinds of dental disease, means maintain your body health because dental deasease affect your body health.

     Teeth and mouth disease has links to all the body's vital organs including the hart, liver and brain. Means residual food that is not clean when brushing that form plaque or tartar (calculus) cause big problem.

Dental Plaque
     Dental plaque is all sources causes dental disease. That is the result of recent research related to dental and oral diseases. Plaque is a thin layer of nodes that attach to the surface of the teeth, gums, and tongue, which comes from leftover food mouth. Plaque may form at any time. Plaque which over time will never be cleaned become tartar. This tartar will grip the neck teeth. That is why teeth become discolored into black, brown, or greenish. This tartar if left alone will damage the teeth. Teeth are formed from hard bone not able to withstand the onslaught of tartar. Some problems caused by tartar like halitosis (bad breath), cavities and even become infected can cause headaches.

Caries (cavity)

     Dental caries are cavities. It is common problem but if not immediately patched  it will lead to a deeper teeth infection, then spread into nerve cavity and causing the tip of abscessed tooth root. Tooth abscess is a pus collection causes of nerve tooth cavity infection. If the infection still occurs will result in several diseases including : 
  • Tooth perforation
  • Mediastinitis ( chestinflammation)
  • Sepsis (inflammation in the body due to infection) 
  • Facial cellulitis 
  • Infection spread into soft tissue such as heart, liver, and other
  • Jawbone dental infection, brain, endocarditis (heart muscle and heart valves inflammation)
  • Pneumonia.


     Gingivitis or gum swelling is a reaction of the plaque that is too long not cleaned. This situation is actually not dangerous if proper action is taken immediately by visiting the dentist. But if left unchecked, this will be very harmful to health further.


     Stomatitis or commonly known by the word sprue is a disease that occurs as a result of trigger factors, such as descent; stress; depression; excessive fear and anxiety; bitten; hormonal changes; lack of vitamin C and B12, and effects of drinking too much caffeine.

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